Ryan Amato Painting

Exterior Painting

Best Time to Paint Your Home’s Exterior in PA

Painting your home’s exterior is an excellent way to enhance curb appeal. But such a massive project is one you can only undertake at certain times of the year. After all, there’s a good reason why you don’t see other homeowners paint their houses in the dead of winter, and it’s not only because of the cold weather.

Before you start this project, here’s a helpful guide on the best time of year to paint the exterior of your house. By observing these tips, you’ll achieve the best paint job and safeguard your home’s exterior for the coming years.

House with a fresh coat of grey paint on the outside.

Best Weather for Exterior Home Painting

It’s easy to assume that you can give the exterior of your home that much-needed fresh coat of paint at any time of the year, but there is an ideal time for this project. The two guiding factors to help you ensure a successful exterior painting project include:

  • Temperature: The optimal time for painting the exterior of your house is when outside temperatures are between 40 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This means spring, early fall and, sometimes, early summer months if you live in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.
  • Humidity: It’s also best to paint the exterior of your home during periods of mild humidity. If the humidity levels are over 50%, it could cause the paint to become water logged, start peeling or develop brown or white spots.
  • Rain: If you paint your home during the rainy season, you’re unlikely to see good results. It’s best to skip the painting project during those rainy months and postpone it until there are at least five rain-free days.

How Temperature Can Impact Your Exterior Painting

Summer temperatures are perfect for most outdoor activities, except painting your house in Pennsylvania. The high temperatures between June and August cause certain paints to dry much faster. When this happens, it leads to undesirable issues such as:

  • Discoloration or cracking of the paint
  • Formation of blisters and bumps on freshly painted exterior
  • Paint detaching from the surface due to overheating

But if you choose to paint your exterior in the right weather conditions, your property’s painting can last about five years. Some of the noticeable signs of wear and tear that exterior paint shows after 5 to 10 years include:

  • Lost sheen
  • Peels
  • Cracks
Contact Ryan Amato Painting for Your Exterior Painting Project

Contact Ryan Amato Painting for Your Exterior Painting Project

While taking on a DIY painting project can be fun, it can also be tricky to find enough time to do it. You can get the job done faster and more effectively when you hire a professional painting company. 

Ryan Amato Painting, LLC, is your go-to exterior house painter in Pennsylvania. Our experts have the skills, tools, and experience to deliver durable results and advice on the best time to paint your home’s exterior. 

Contact us to schedule a free estimate for top-quality house painting in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. 

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