Ryan Amato Painting


Should We Remove Our Gutters Before Painting?

Exterior Painting COmpany
Should you remove your gutters before painting your home?

Should We Remove Our Gutters Before Painting?

We are asked all the time.

“Should we remove the gutters when painting our home?

There is no black and white answer for this, or really any painting or epoxy floor question.

The job itself and difficulty will determine the best approach to this painting question.

Always defer to your painter and check with your gutter installer for the best case scenario and direction for this.

Exterior Painting and Gutters
Remove Your Gutters Or Not?

If you have the means to do so , surely, it would be great to paint behind the gutters, especially with a wood surface.

Being able to paint behind the gutters helps protect the wood in an area that will see a tremendous amount of moisture, an unprotected surface could be trouble.

However, this wouldn’t typically be the painters responsibility and you would need to coordinate this with your gutter installer.

It is not as easy as simply removing the gutters and putting them back up.

They could be one continuous gutter, making it very difficult to remove and needing multiple people.

Again you would not want your painter to do such an important and specific job not related to the painting industry.

Having an open and honest discussion with your painter and discussing expectations, the benefits and difficulties is always the best thing, open communication throughout the painting project.

These things are not as easy as searching on Google and seeing what it tells you, real life issues and the experience over the years of your painter are key.

So to answer the question, it all depends. Check with your local painter for an answer directly related to your exterior painting project.

Paint Questions Answered

As we move forward, we will answer every question we reveive each day in our painting company Ryan Amato Painting, llc as well as our epoxy floor company, Lehigh Valley Epoxy Floors


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Avoiding Common Mistakes in Exterior Painting: Expert Advice for Homeowners

Painting the exterior of your home is not only a great way to enhance its appearance but also a valuable investment in protecting it from the elements. However, common mistakes can lead to disappointing results. At Amato Painting, we specialize in helping homeowners avoid these pitfalls. Below, we outline some of the most common mistakes in exterior painting and how our professional services can ensure a flawless finish.

1. Choosing the Wrong Paint Type

The Amato Solution: Our team has the expertise to select the right paint for your exterior surfaces and climate, ensuring a beautiful and long-lasting finish.

2. Ignoring Weather Conditions

The Amato Solution: We monitor weather conditions and schedule painting at the ideal time to ensure proper adhesion and a smooth application.

3. Neglecting Surface Preparation

The Amato Solution: Our thorough cleaning, scraping, sanding, and priming process guarantees better paint adherence and a superior finish.

4. Overloading the Brush or Roller

The Amato Solution: With precise techniques, we apply the perfect amount of paint to avoid drips and uneven coverage.

5. Skipping Primer

The Amato Solution: We understand the importance of priming and always include this vital step for a consistent base, especially over darker colors or raw wood.

6. Using Low-Quality Tools

The Amato Solution: Our investment in high-quality tools ensures a professional and smooth application.

Why Choose Amato Painting for Your Exterior Painting Needs?

Avoiding common mistakes in exterior painting requires expertise and attention to detail. At Amato Painting, our professional team provides personalized consultations, a careful selection of materials, and meticulous application techniques. Here’s why you should choose us for your next exterior painting project:

  • Quality Assurance: We back our work with a satisfaction guarantee, promising you a stunning transformation of your home.
  • Expert Team: Our skilled painters have the experience and tools to ensure your painting project is completed to perfection.
  • Convenient Scheduling: We work around your schedule, making the painting process hassle-free and tailored to your needs.


Investing in a professional exterior painting service like Amato Painting means avoiding common mistakes and enjoying a beautiful, enduring result. Don’t leave your home’s appearance to chance; trust the experts at Amato Painting.

Ready to transform your home’s exterior? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation or to learn more about our exterior painting services.